Party of FIVE

I’m not exactly sure why it’s taken me so long to share the news here, that we shared with family and friends a few weeks back.  I think I mostly attribute it to extreme fatigue (as I yawn while writing this…) and a healthy dose of screen time avoidance –


Yes, we’re expecting a new little munchkin to join our family in early August, due three days before M and C’s fourth birthday, to be exact.  I’m secretly hoping that the Little Bug, as I’ve taken to calling it, is just a wee bit early so that the girls’ birthday isn’t overshadowed by a new little sibling.  But when it comes down to it I’ll take a healthy baby arriving safely when it’s ready and meant to be, no matter on what date that happens to fall.

A few observations from these first (nearly) five months:

It’s an entirely different ballgame growing a small being while running around after two preschoolers.  I’m more tired and uncomfortable this time around, and by god I feel OLD.

They aren’t kidding when they say you start showing sooner and growing faster the second time around.  What little abdominal muscles I’d rebuilt after carrying the girls gave up the good fight just after New Years.

With age and the experience of a full-term twin pregnancy comes the wisdom to understand that it will all (generally) go back into place someday.  So there’s really no point in over-thinking it once you can’t see your feet anymore.

The term “advanced maternal age” (over 35) officially sucks a**.  That and all the genetic testing speak and fear that is laid upon you early on about all the things that could be wrong with your baby.  I get that it’s a reality, and very important but man oh man it’s emotionally draining.

When you are pregnant with twins, the whole world freely asks you the very personal question of how you got there, i.e., IVF/infertility treatment, “does it run in your families”, etc.  Given our history, I was honest in answering that question about that with the girls, but kept it brief.  But the next time you get knocked up, it’s like the white elephant in the room.  A few nosey brave souls flat out ask if you had to go through it all again to get pregnant, but generally everyone else just sort of looks you over like “did they or didn’t they”.  Newsflash people – if you’re family or a close friend I don’t mind if you ask me, and I’ll give you the high-level scoop.  But if you don’t fall into that category, it’s none of your damn business.  Please and thanks!

[Stepping off of my soapbox now…]

We go in for the big ultrasound tomorrow (or today, as it will be by the time this post is published).  My money is on blue, and has been from the start.  The Hubs is hoping I’m right, and has thrown in a few awesome male anatomy jokes here and there.  But we’re just praying for healthy and thriving, boy or girl – we signed on for this and we accept and love this baby we have been blessed with, no matter what else comes with it all.

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