Weeks 39 and 40

This is what the very early morning of 39 Weeks looked like, back on August 1st:

39 weeks

And just a couple hours later, the scene had changed quite a bit:



Our little man, henceforth referred to as “L”, arrived at 8:04am on August 1st, weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20.5″ long.  We are SO in love with this boy!


Our official 40-week photo:

40 weeks

All is going well as we settle in as a family of FIVE.  The girls adore their little brother and I’m still pinching myself in an effort to believe all that has happened over the past 11 days, and all that is slated for the rest of August.  And we thought life was busy before!

Catching up… June

I know, I know… it’s almost August, but we’ve had quite the busy summer so I’m backtracking a bit to catch up.  Because I don’t want to forget it all.

Strawberry picking at a local farm, from which I made a nice supply of freezer jam –

Celebrating our guy for Father’s Day!

I found this super-cool bottle opener, made from a St. Louis Cardinals game bat.  Sure beats the one that plays the Mizzou fight song, that I gave him many years ago as a peace-offering, if I remember correctly.

The girls and I also made some fun bag tags, for our traveling man.

The girls got big haircuts, courtesy of Aunt Julie… four inches cut off for C and EIGHT inches for M!  We had to talk this one up for awhile with M before she would agree to it.


Could C look any more like her Daddy here?!

But she’s a curly girl, just like her mama!

Now for M’s turn…

Bye-bye major length!

Another curly girl!

And finally, after!

Some random shots of the ins and outs of our days…

My favorite way to start my day – lying in bed, feeling and seeing Baby Boy wake up with me:

I saw this sticker on the back of a car somewhere while I was out and about it left me with the giggles all. day. long!

This is what happens when we play “let’s fix Mommy’s hair!”

Um, who’s been sleeping in my bed?

M finally graduated to “big kid” toothpaste!  Who knew it would take so long for this child to learn to spit?!

The girls had their first movie theatre experience when we took them to see Monsters University.  We also spent a fun night at the Muny watching Shrek the musical, with a little helping of goofiness at dinner just before.

A great first month of summer back in the ‘Lou!

38 weeks… almost there!

It’s been just a LITTLE busy around here lately (for another post, soon) but I know that this pales in comparison to how life will soon change once this little boy decides to arrive.

38 weeks, as of this past Thursday:

38 weeks

And a couple photos from the weeks prior too, at least for those that I actually got on record…

37 weeks 5 days:


This is how long I carried M and C… I was secretly hoping for history to repeat and my water to break on this day again, which occurred the morning of my scheduled c-section with the girls, but not so.

36 weeks… and actually took the time to straighten my hair:

36 weeks

And 35 weeks plus a few days:

35 weeks

Is my lack of extensive maternity wardrobe obvious?  I’ve outgrown quite a bit (again) so I’ve got a few things on repeat here but at this point I really don’t care.  Comfort is key!

It was also about a week before this last photo that we had our ultrasound to check on the Little Man’s growth and progress.  We hadn’t seen him since around 19 weeks so I was jumping-out-of-my-skin excited to get a glimpse of this little boy!  Everything looks great (and yes, still a boy) and he’s proving to be quite the healthy one – at that ultrasound he was already estimated to weigh just over 6 pounds, which is MORE than each of his sisters did at their birth – 5 lbs 12 oz and 5 lbs 7 oz, respectively.  So let’s do the math… at this stage of growth a baby in utero is gaining about 1/2 pound each week, so five more weeks to go from that point adds about 2 1/2 pounds.  That would be an 8 1/2 pound little boy, possibly!  You should have seen the looks on our faces when the ultrasound tech presented us with that one!  And then for my doc to walk in at the checkup immediately after and simply say, “big baby!”  So much for the Newborn-sized clothes!  There’s definitely a give or take in their estimates, so we shall see where he ends up.  BUT at this point I certainly feel like I’m carrying a large being in there.  Never had much back pain with the girls, shockingly, but this time it’s off the charts painful when I roll over in bed or get up from sitting or laying down, and then once I get up it takes a minute to be able to walk.  A small price to pay though for growing a big, healthy baby!

And a big healthy baby that’s been very low the entire time.  I look at the most recent pics and think he’s actually dropped – whoo hoo!  But no…  according to my OB it’s his weight pulling my belly down, because my abdominal wall is shot from carrying the girls.  The past two weeks of checkups have confirmed that there’s nothing going on, not dilated or effaced so I may very well carry this little guy past 40 weeks.  Eeeeek!

The lack of control this time around (vs. a scheduled delivery date with the girls) has put me in a bit of a tailspin this week… there are a lot of variables at play – M and C’s birthday just three days after my due date, other family members’ birthdays in August (we have A LOT of them), my OB being on vacation the week I’m due, my strong desire to have a successful VBAC and just general anxiety from unfortunately knowing from a close group of friends about the stuff that can go wrong near the very end.  I’m becoming more convinced that this is the universe’s way (or God’s way, whichever you care to believe in) of reminding me to just LET GO and let our son make his entrance into this world when he’s ready.  So I’m breathing and trying to ease up on the reigns a bit, working through my checklist and preparing our space for him as best I can.

Just hang in there with me, little dude… you have a large, loving family that is beyond excited to meet you!

34w5d US

33 weeks

33 weeks as of last Thursday (and a haircut too):

33 weeks

And the previous two weeks’ pics as well (a crappy late-night shot for 32… was too freakin’ tired to take a proper one during daylight):

32 weeks

31 weeks

Less than seven weeks to go… it’s getting real!

Of three friends due this summer (two little boys, and one little girl), one just welcomed her son a couple weeks ago… the clock is ticking!

I am now able to look around my home (albeit a temporary, furnished apartment that will hold us over until our new house is completed in August) and see where we will bring him home in a couple months, and visualize just how our day-to-day routine will need to shift and adapt for the Little Man.  The pack and play is out of storage, the random baby prep purchases have begun (sort of… as hesitant and cautious as I still am and will be until he’s here) and the planning of his room decor (and sewing madness) will soon be in full swing.

I had my first visit with my STL OB, who delivered the girls, a couple weeks ago and she confirmed that he is hanging out sideways, horizontally across my belly, hence the lopsided effect I see and feel numerous times each day:

lopsided belly

My OB also confirmed that we will have an ultrasound around weeks 35/36 to check his growth and see how much our Little Man is estimated to weigh, and that the Hubs needs to stop flying the friendly skies between weeks 37 and 38 – yippee!  Oh and that she will be ON VACATION during the week of my due date.  Not-so-yippee.  Fingers crossed for a July 31st delivery date!  We have a backup plan in place with two of my sisters-in-law to be my labor coaches, in the event that anything happens while the Hubs is in SoCal.  Kinda freaky yes, but necessary at this point.

I’m feeling the STL heat and humidity and having full-on pregnancy hot flashes, and I’m nearly freezing everyone else out of this small apartment.  The girls asked to wear their hoodies during dinner one night the other week.

hoodie duoI’m also experiencing a ridiculous appetite…  growth spurt for the boy, maybe?  I’ve dubbed myself “the plate cleaner”, as nearly anything left on M and C’s plate lately goes straight to me.  And the ‘occasional’ (oh, who am I kidding – ‘pretty darn frequent’) spoonful of Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter is now entering the habit stage.

Ah, the joys of pregnant life!  I’m seriously loving every minute of it.

Our new Normal, for now

We’re adjusting to a new normal around here, three weeks post-move.  For up to the next 4-5 months the Hubs will be traveling to Orange County each week, leaving Monday afternoon and back Friday night.  It is far from ideal, BUT we absolutely knew and accepted that this was part of the deal to bring us back to STL before the baby arrives, so we’re taking it day by day, and week by week.  Thank goodness for daily Skype sessions!

M and C started a new preschool the week after we moved, two mornings a week, and the first day of drop-off was great – no tears, no freaking out.  I was quite impressed and a bit surprised too, given their history of difficult school transitions, C in particular.

First day at new school

The next school day was a very different story – started the night before with C declaring “I don’t want to go to school”, that she “doesn’t know anyone there” and that “they don’t know me.”  This escalated the next day to hysterical crying, shaking and an all around horrible experience at drop-off, which also drove her mama to tears.  When they were little I could tolerate crying, no problem.  But as they’ve grown up and they can tell us why they are upset, it just breaks my heart to see them like that, and in this instance, to see C so freaked and not wanting me to leave her.  So after that gut-wrenching morning, I introduced C to pinky promises.  Through her locking that sweet little finger with mine we’ve both agreed to try our best to not cry at preschool drop-off.  The school days that followed have been hit or miss, but we’re getting there.  I’m so thankful that my girls can and want to express why they feel the way they do  – helps us from having to wonder what the heck is going through their little minds and hearts.  My sensitive little C… please know that this is an adjustment for all of us, and that this too shall pass.

Pensive C

In addition to school days, we’re getting some solid play time with our cousins and spending time with family.  The girls had a play date with their cousin, Zalyn, the first of many I’m sure, and judging by the drive back home I’d say it was a successful afternoon:

Successful play date

We also recently joined the Hubs’ older brother and his family for brunch.  The girls were beyond excited to see their cousins over there and oh how I’ve missed the fabulous conversation that comes so naturally with my dear sister-in-law, Joy.  There also happened to be a lovely (and thankfully, tame) thunderstorm that rolled through early that afternoon… I couldn’t wait to stand outside, feel the temperature drop and watch mother nature do her thing.  You rarely get this in SoCal…



Storm watching

So we’re settling in pretty well… and of course it will all surely change yet again in August with a new baby and a new house, but for now we’re taking it all in.  And ending most days with good snuggles, well I have no complaints.

Snuggles with all three

30 Weeks… Up, up and away!

To say that the past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind is quite an understatement.  I am currently on an airplane (thank you, onboard wi-fi), on our last journey from Orange County to St. Louis.  We’re going home.  The girls celebrated take-off with “whee!” and “bye-bye, California!”, while I was sitting across the aisle with tears running down my face.  No matter where you’re coming from or going to or under what circumstances, moving is never easy.

Two days ago we hit the 30-week mark.  (Excuse me while I exhale just a bit more.)

And we honored that long-awaited day with a very large moving truck in front of our house.  (The photo above was taken the following day).  That little fact in and of itself was like a huge double-helping of deja vu, because we just did the “pack-up-and-move-every-last-bit-of-what-we-own” thing about 15 months ago, and also because four years ago on my exact 30-week day with the girls we were moving from our tiny little bungalow into the larger house where we would raise the girls for the first two and a half years.

Move truck day

The days leading up to our move day were very emotional and chaotic but came with a lot of generous help from family.

M and C said good-bye to their teachers and friends at preschool.  Never easy, for the kids or the adults.

Grandma and Grandpa were out that week also (they love a good road trip!) to help me get some things prepped and of course to spend some time with their granddaughters, and they also graciously took an SUV-full of stuff back for us for the summer.  Did I mention that the vast majority of our things will be in storage for three months, while we live in a furnished temporary apartment until our new house is completed?  Yup, the equation just gets more and more complex.  It just wouldn’t be “us” if it wasn’t complicated.

The morning that they left town we tackled the Disney California Adventure Park (post to follow soon), and then my brother-in-law and his wife flew in that night to help us with the last of it all leading up to the pack and move days.  We all worked our tails off but it was not without some quality time for M and C with Uncle John and Aunt Gina, some fabulous meals out and great photo opportunities of lovely SoCal.

After Sunday breakfast at RJ’s in Dana Point (I had to have the cinnamon roll french toast one last time!) we took a little walk to enjoy the view.

I think this is consistently MY favorite view…

Not particularly going to miss signs like this –

These girls love a good walk!

These curb notices are everywhere in the area, even close to our neighborhood.  I’m going to miss them and the reminder of being only 10 minutes from the ocean.

We FINALLY experienced a sunset dinner, on San Clemente Pier (many thanks to by brother-in-law for capturing some breathtaking sunset and surfing shots).

John and Gina, along with Jenna-dog, headed east in our very full minivan mid-week and we had one day of rest (but not really) between the packing and the truck loading.  M and C tagged along with me for a dr. check-up, and got to hear their little brother’s heartbeat.  M covered her ears because it was loud, but they were both still very impressed at how quickly it beats (around 140 bpm).

Truck-loading day took a lot out of us all, even though we weren’t doing any of the work.  Nap time was a wherever, whenever sort of thing and with whatever pillow source you could find.

This girl can sleep anywhere

And yesterday, on our last full day in beautiful SoCal, we kept it lazy… visited Laguna Beach, had some awesome playground time, lunch at Ruby’s Diner and then pool time late in the day back at the hotel.  I even managed an afternoon nap for myself.

C does a mean pirate!

Does this photo look familiar?  Remember these?  Oh how my girls have grown!

And with that we’ve said good-bye to the west coast chapter of our lives, and hello again to our midwestern home.  Only now it’s with another character on the way and a much different backdrop.  Always moving forward, never looking back.


After nearly 15 months here in SoCal we finally made it to Disneyland a couple weekends ago.  Up until maybe a year and a half ago I had been dreading the idea of tackling the family Disney visit, simply because I’ve never been one to get into cartoons/animated stuff, not even as a kid.  But once the girls became interested in some of the characters and started watching and enjoying so many of the movies, I’ve embraced it.  And I can honestly say I was pretty darn excited for our visit.

On the advice of a good friend we started our day with a breakfast reservation to dine with Minnie and friends, where the characters mill around from table to table to greet everyone.  Unbeknownst to us however, C is afraid of them – and when I say “afraid” we’re talking terrified to the point of screaming and shaking in fear of anyone and anything in a masked costume.  The characters that looked like people (Tinkerbell, the princesses, etc) went over fine with her, but to be greeted by Captain Hook (and his enormous costume head) completely sent her over the edge.  So, the restaurant staff very kindly moved us to a secluded table outside and we attempted to enjoy our breakfast.

Some highlights of our day, but by no means an all inclusive view of our very full 11-hour day…

Visiting Pixie Hollow to meet Rosetta and Tinkerbell

Meeting the princesses… Snow White, Ariel (M loved her “pretty dress”) and Cinderella

M and C picked out their mouse ears… both in sequins!

We watched the Rapunzel musical show… M sat up front with me and C stayed in the back with Daddy.

An absolute must – the Teacup Ride!

A little face-painting

A carousel ride (M’s favorite!)

Watching the big parade

And then catching the parade a second time, after enjoying the best corn dogs EVER.

A long day with some pretty sore feet when all was said and done, but totally and completely worth it!

On the move, again

In less than two weeks we will be St. Louis residents once again.

We definitely expected and wanted to be out here in SoCal longer than just over a year, but all things happen for a reason and there are some very GOOD reasons that are bringing us back there.  Our 15-month “extended vacation”, as it was suggested to us, has afforded us the chance to grow independently as a family of four, on our own and without the usual “safety net” of backup family support to which we had grown so accustomed.  We really needed this time to explore opportunities that we would have otherwise never been presented with had we still been in St. Louis, doing the same-old, same-old kind of thing.

I’ve thankfully been able to experience life as a stay-at-home mom, through which I’ve conquered many fears of long days home alone with M and C and perfected the three-ring-circus logistical process of getting out and about with them on my own.  In a way I feel like I’ve somewhat made up for lost time with my girls, for the first two and half years of their lives when I only had a few precious non-sleeping hours each weekday and then tried to cram in all the quality moments over each weekend – and quite often started each Monday morning workday with tears.  I’ve witnessed many of their “firsts” over the past year – even captured a few with a photo or video – rather than reading about it on a daycare report or watching it via someone else’s impromptu video.  I’ve also finally figured out how I’m wired as a mother, the kind of mom I am capable of being and quite frankly also the kind of mom that I’m just not.  And I’m okay with that… REALLY okay with that.  My girls are smart, happy and independent (sometimes fiercely) and they get me.  And I’m happier and more comfortable in my own skin than I think I ever have been.

And now the true test: to go back home (because STL has always still felt like our home) and to maintain our dynamic, this rhythm that we’ve defined together, and to adapt and grow it through new adventures and welcoming our little boy into this family.  We know the timing of all of this will not be easy, as the coming months will also include weekly travel back out here for the Hubs and a temporary living situation as our new house is built, but we’re up for it and we know that in the long run this is the best decision for our all of us.

IMG_2281 - Version 2

Mother’s Day

No baby bump photo this week… just not feeling it.  Wednesday I had my monthly check-up and also had to do my glucose test for gestational diabetes.  I had almost forgotten how nasty this stuff is… Ack!


Thursday started off with C battling a humdinger of a cold.  She was so miserable and cranky, which made for a looooong day for all of us.  Poor kiddo…  But by Friday morning she was a bit more chipper and very excited for the Mother’s Day event at preschool.


By Friday afternoon however I was starting to get the tell-tale pre-cold scratchy throat, and by Friday night I was pretty much miserable too.  Bring on the kleenex and ice water, because of course I can’t take a darn thing for this silly cold.

Fast-forward to this morning and my two munchkins each presented me with my favorite little blue box!


The Hubs treated us all to homemade chocolate chip pancakes and bacon (all of which we nearly finished!) for breakfast, and later in the afternoon he tackled a peach crumb pie with his sous chefs.  They certainly are tactile little ones… kept putting their hands in everything  Eh, we’re all family!


The girls bestowed many “Happy Mother’s Day!” wishes on me throughout the day and as my day is ending I’m watching my belly roll as The Boy flips around in his typical late-night routine.  While this yucky cold has left me in a bit of a haze, it most certainly hasn’t lessened the overwhelming feeling of just how blessed I am to be a mom, first and foremost, but more specifically to our two angel babies, our lovely M and C, and the little boy who I’m so excited to meet in a few months.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

26 Weeks!

Hello, third trimester!  You could call this a red-letter day, but I prefer a red-lipstick day instead!

26 weeks

While I was actually on-time with taking this photo late last week, the moment of downtime to actually write about it has not presented itself until now – and here’s why:



I have two sleeping beauties out cold in the next room, and I get to sit in a VERY quiet house right now with Jenna-dog at my feet, and just think.  Ah, bliss!  C fell asleep on me on the sofa a couple hours ago, while M played by herself.  After sitting in the other room on a phone call with grandma and grandpa I came back to find M like this, all snuggled in by herself on the floor.  I LOVE that they do this… put themselves to sleep whenever and wherever.  But M’s butterfly headband (her “crown” as she calls it) is a must.  Naps are optional these days, but “crowns” – mandatory.

I don’t remember a whole lot about the week by week pregnancy stuff with the girls, but I will say that 26 weeks feels very 26 weeks.  The Braxton-Hicks have begun here and there and I’m not without a straw-cup of water at all times.  I go in for my glucose test for gestational diabetes this week (oh. happy. day.) and continue to battle the stupid lot of strangers out and about that choose to comment on my size, or be offended by my unwillingness to share what we plan to name this little boy.

That last one – I’m shockingly but completely serious.  An obtrusive woman who was waiting on me at a fabric store the other week started the polite chit-chat about my baby bump, asked if we had a name picked out and then asked what the name would be, to which I said that we are keeping it a secret.  And she proceeded to get all huffy and truly offended by my answer.  I was so dumbfounded at that one I didn’t have a chance to actually process it until I was ranting and raving (to myself, of course) in the car afterwards.  Seriously lady, I DON’T KNOW YOU, and even if I did I wouldn’t be telling you my son’s name because we’re not telling ANYONE.  Get it?  Unbelievable.  I’m becoming more and more convinced that strangers flip on a “stupid switch” when in the presence of a developing human being.  I’m further convinced that when you carry multiples all those extra hormones running through your system somehow insulate you from the asinine and ridiculous questions and comments (that are plentiful, unfortunately) because I certainly got a bunch of those four years ago but they never really shocked me.  This time around – I am floored with some of the stuff that comes out of the general public’s mouths with regard to my future offspring.  I guess it could also be that I’m older, more tired, often cranky and generally lacking patience and tolerance for stupidity anymore.

Hmmm… there’s a thought.