Vacation catch-up (last one): Bits and pieces

Total roundtrip hours of travel: 14.  We had the longest way to come yet our trip required the least hours of travel.

Average time taken pre-beach/pool to apply sunscreen: 10-12 minutes by my estimation.  We were all – adults and kids alike – lathered up in high SPF daily with frequent reapplication as well.  So very different from how it was when we were all kids.

Miles I attempted to run in 90 degree plus temps and nasty humidity: five – attempted five, only made it through three and a half.  What the hell was I thinking anyway?

Child-free afternoons at the beach thwarted by thunderstorms: one.  But making brownies while listening to the rain was a good alternative.  And oh how I’ve missed a good storm!

Number of malfunctioning or just plain screwed iPhones: three – Julie’s phone decided to become a mute on the drive down, the Hubs’ took a swim, and John’s pulled an all-nighter outside in the rain.

Facial muscles strained from laughter and perma-grin at my sis-in-law Katie’s karaoke performances: several.  This girl was born to karaoke.  She’s amazing.

Long walks on the beach with the Hubs: just one, but quality of conversation wins over quantity any day.

And to come back to this is just awesome:

Days in the pool before C got up the courage to jump in to Daddy: only a few.

Little toenails that were painted for the first time ever: 20, and with hot pink polish too.  (I still can’t believe I didn’t get a picture.)

Adorable baby sitings: continuous.  Really, half-naked cutie pie running around in Chucks?  Irresistible.

Length of nap on the beach on our last afternoon (child-free yet again): almost three hours.  Absolute bliss.

Speed at which Jenna’s tail was wagging after we picked her up from the doggie hotel (she was at a “dog party”, according to M and C): incalculable.  She’s very happy to be home.

Until we meet again, Gulf Shores.

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