Dinnertime battles, with a side of junior high humor

Dinnertime with my girls is probably one of the most continuously stressful times of my day.  C is a very picky eater (texture-related), but both girls also randomly decide to dislike (and on the odd occasion, like) something that they’ve previously eaten (or turned their noses up at) over and over again.  A preschooler’s prerogative to change their mind?  I suppose.  They’ve recently decided that no matter how I make homemade mac & cheese, it just ain’t flyin’.  They only like the package stuff (Annie’s brand – that’s not too bad, is it?) or restaurant mac & cheese, which I know is full of that processed velveeta cheese stuff.  Now, I grew up on that processed velveeta stuff and I turned out just fine, but it’s just not something that gets added to my grocery list.  On the flip side, M and C have also very recently decided that my roasted broccoli is the first thing that they want to devour, with their hands, from their plates.  Score!  But oh rhyme and reason, where art thou?

I grow VERY bored VERY quickly with the same old dinner options, and I truly despise the short-order-cook syndrome that rears its ugly head around my kitchen from time to time, as I prepare a main meal and then a small backup (PB&J) in the event that M and C refuse whatever new meal I’ve introduced.  It all adds up to an exercise in frustration and fighting off tears of defeat more often than not.

Amidst the dinner battles though there has always been one beloved constant that has never gone out of style – yogurt.  We typically have a variety of flavors to choose from, vanilla being a big favorite.  M is struggling a bit with the “v” sound, which comes out as a ‘b’ (i.e., ‘banilla’), so we try to work with her on other words beginning with the letter v – valentine, Vicki, violet.  You get the idea.  So what word do you think the Hubs suggests that M try to sound out?


Yup, sound that one out with a ‘B’ up front and you’ll get where I’m going with this.

And just like that my husband reverted to his junior high self, big glasses and all, to provide some well needed adult comic relief to the madness of our dinner hour.  Oh how I adore that man of mine!

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