Our guy

We celebrated the Hubs on Sunday with breakfast at home, which included the inaugural run with my new doughnut pan (yum)…

Followed by a morning of lounging at the beach.

Oh how very much we love the Hubs / Daddy!  He embraces this crazy house of girly-ness with such open arms, and works so hard for all of us.  He is carving out his own daddy-only specialties with our daughters that I very happily reserve for him and only him:

Doing “funny hair” (shampoo mohawks) during bath time

Reading Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus in voices that can reduce me to hilarious tears and bladder instability – think Elvis meets Gomer Pyle with an even heavier southern drawl

Amplifying their already growing musicality with hands-on guitar time and jam band dance parties

Drawing perfect chalk hopscotch on the back patio and hopscotching back and forth over and over again, all while grilling something spectacular for dinner

Teaching them every mascot in the SEC

Special-ordering whipped cream for their pancakes when we go out for breakfast

The girls send him off each workday with hugs and kisses and walk him to the door.  They greet him at the end of every day running to meet him, screaming “DADDY!” at the top of their lungs, and first thing they ask him is “How was your day, Dad?”  No matter how tired he may be or how crappy the day may have turned, I see him grin and watch as his insides melt a little as our daughters tug on his heartstrings.  Exactly as it all should be.

Happy Father’s Day, babe.  You rock.

One thought on “Our guy

  1. The pictures are great. Everyone looks like they were having a GREAT time including Daddy/Hubs. I love reading your posts and how well you write. I can almost hear you say the words Vicki. Mike and the girls are really blessed to have you in their lives and so am I. Love you.

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