Halloween in SoCal

It was 90+ degrees here today.  We had a lovely snap of mid-60s early last week but here we are, back in the 80s and 90s.  Man, do I miss the midwestern fall weather.  But in the midst of this confusing weather, we have been doing our best to celebrate the season with Halloween festivities.

We visited the pumpkin patch the weekend before Halloween… took a wagon ride around the farm,

Watched the petting zoo from a distance (the goats were just a bit too friendly), appeased Mama with the obligatory photo on/near a hay bale,

I get this look from C quite often these days…

picked veggies (carrots, onions and green beans), and scouted out a couple of perfect pumpkins, which Daddy carved that evening.

The girls got to wear their costumes a wee bit early at a local community center event the weekend before as well, and C found a new use for her not-yet-filled candy bucket.  [And on a side note, feel free to check out my creative ramblings on these costumes here.  More to come on my sewing alter ego via another post here very soon…]

At preschool on Halloween morning, each classroom put on a costume parade for parents.  And let me tell you, my chickadees were so outgoing and proud walking around that playground, not even the least bit phased by the large crowd of parents watching.

And finally, some trick-or-treating.  We weren’t sure what to expect in the neighborhood, but had a decent turnout and the girls had a blast.  The girls enjoyed counting their candy stash, which unfortunately all had to be thrown out a few days later due to a major ant problem in our kitchen.  I was seriously heartbroken over it all.  They haven’t asked about the candy since Halloween night so I think we’ve avoided that drama so far so good.

Now, onto the next holiday plans!  (And hopefully with some cooler weather – finally).

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